Online Counselling / Training For The Fitness Enthusiasts
In today’s age of technology, distance should not be a reason to stop you from training with Sherin. In this modern era, Sherin does not believe in hand out workout templates for training purposes. For his fitness enthusiast, he is ready to go the extra mile by conducting skype sessions that will be of 2 hours wherein he will be providing a full-fledged discussion over your training, diet and lifestyle routine. Along with this if you desire Sherin will also do an online training session with you.
Clicked in the year 2006, I am not their current trainer.
Online Counselling For Fitness Professionals
With being in the Sports and Fitness industry for 21 years, Sherin has gone through various experiences and is very thankful for the opportunities he has received. Now he believes that it is his time to give it back to the industry as an appreciation from his side. For this, he is determined to spend hours doing Skype Sessions with fitness professionals providing them career counselling for any path they want to travel. And if you feel that you have to pack lakhs of rupees then you are absolutely wrong.
11,800/- (inclusive of taxes)